Organize Your CV in One Place!

Is it hard to manage your CV spread across multiple platforms?

Organize CV

Store Your Profile and CV in Art Spoon. Easily create your CV and download it as a PDF!

Cloud CV Management

Cloud Download
Store your name, age, social media links, profile photo, and CV all in one place.
PDF Icon
Easily create your CV and download it as a PDF.
Cloud CV Management
Gallery Artist

Galleries can systematically manage the profiles of artists:

Edit Note Icon
You can directly add or modify artist information from the artist list.

All of this syncs automatically with your profile page and website.

Sync Icon
Tired of manually uploading your updated CV to the website? With Art Spoon, your artist CV syncs automatically.
Website Sync
Artspoon Character
Still feeling uncertain about what to do?
Our Art Spoon team leaders are here to guide you. Click the button below to schedule a consultation.